Saturday, December 11, 2010

December Giveaway: Revlon's Perplex!

This month I'm happy to report that I'm having a giveaway for one bottle of Revlon's new polish called Perplex. Isn't it lovely?! To enter, please leave a comment to this post with your e-mail address. You must be a follower in order to win. And finally, this is only open to US readers. I'm so sorry, but I hope to have another international giveaway after I get a job! Please only 1 entry per person. A winner will be chosen by random on December 18, 2010. Good luck everyone!

Please feel free to repost or retweet on your respective blogs, facebook accounts, Twitter accounts, etc. :-D


Angie | said...

ooh this is such a nice plum shade for the holidays. thank you!

pianistwithanaccent *at* gmail [dot} com

Unknown said...

awesome..that has'nt landed in my neck o' the woods yet.nice post and mani as always :)

Leslie said...

Please enter me :)
I'm a public follower through GFC.
Email is

Erika said...

I am a follower desperately searching, searching, searching for this colour. Argh!

I am a follower.

E-mail: erikatheicyone (at) yahoo (dot) com

Thank you. :D

cestmoi19 said...

Entering now. I love purple! cestmoi19 at gmail dot com.

Unknown said...

Would love to win this.

WhatGutSay said...

I've been searching and no luck so far!

whatgutsay at gmail dot com

nekosan said...

So cool! Haven't seen this in a store yet. =)

cat dot barts at gmail dot com

Smoochiefrog said...

Sign me up!

smoochiefrog at comcast dot net

peripatetic33 said...

peripatetic33 google follower
Happy Holidays
enter me please and thank you

Anonymous said...

What a pretty purple! Thanks for the offer. :)


Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous purple! Thanks for the giveaway. :)


Justine said...

Perplex is such a great play on Paradoxal! I follow via GFC with my GMail address and can also be reached at extemter at hotmail dot com.

The Preppy Student said...

Enter me please!

What an awesome giveaway! I really want a bottle of perplex

adeline L said...

oh so sad, i'm a french reader !

Libby's Pink Vanity said...

I'm just stopping by to oh and aw at your swatching of this. Don't mind my drooling. ;p

I already have this so I'm not entering. I'd rather someone else win it that doesn't have it. I wanted you to know I just love your swatch of it. :)

Amy said...

I love this color!
I follow through GFC, username- Amy
Thanks and happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

I follow through GFC: astraea1976
email: astraea1976 at aol dot com

Halifax @ Sparkled Beauty said...

This is still very hard to find, so yay!


Carissa Anderson said...

a beautiful polish! thanks for the awesome contest!


S Carter said...

I love purple polish! Thanks.

scarter305 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I'm loving this purple for winter! Enter me please :)

Freshie said...

This is awesome! I'm GFC follower "Freshie" and my email is polishfreshie at aol dot com.

Unknown said...

Please enter me! I've been searching for perplexed for weeks.

Follow via GFC: beata


Piper said...

That is a beautiful purple! I follow with google friend connect. Piper - nettysgirl AT

Zara said...

Ooh, thank you very much! I follow via GFC as Zara.

bookworm396 at gmail dot com

bluekitty159 said...

ooh, I've been looking for this color!

following you on GFC as Keri Omuro!
email is

Anonymous said...

I've heard such great things about this polish! Please enter me!
I follow you via GFC as Barb.

Echi said...

my email is

Sarah said...

Hi! Great giveaway!
GFC: Sarah Saba

thanks! :]

MissMidnightBlue said...

oh Enter me, thanks!

I follow GFC as MissMidnightblue

autoxchica said...

Very sweet of you to do a giveaway during the holidays. Happy whatever-you-celebrate to you!

jessica dot* toney [at gmail dotcom}

Katie said...

Love that color--definitely don't own one like that

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway! What a pretty polish! I follow your blog publicly via Google Friend Connect.
maddiemb (at) comcast (dot) net